Elizabeth Russell


Elizabeth Russell was born in 1916 in Philadelphia.   She is particularly reknowned for her performances in some key horror films of the 1940’s including “Cat People” with Simone Simon in 1942, “Seventh Victim”, “Curse of the Cat People”and “Bedlam”.

IMDB Entry:

Minor character actress who appeared rather unsympathetically in a number of films for director Val Lewton in the 40s, including “The Seventh Victim,” “Bedlam” and “Cat People” and her best known part in “The Curse of the Cat People.”
Sister-in-law of Rosalind Russell.
Her first film assignment came almost immediately after her arrival at Paramount in Hollywood when she replaced Frances Farmer, who had been loaned to Samuel Goldwyn for the starring role in “Come and Get It, in “Girl of the Ozarks” opposite Farmer’s new husband Lief Erickson.
Russell met writer Peter Viertel through friend and roommate Maria Montez, and he introduced her to Val Lzewton. She ultimately appeared in five pictures for Lewton’s unit.
Russell wrote an as yet unproduced screenplay on the life of friend Maria Montez.
After Paramount dropped her and she returned East to act in theater with Zasu Pitts. Russell and the comedienne became good friends and Pitts had her cast in two of her films, “Miss Polly” and “So’s Your Aunt Emma.”.

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