Paula Wessley

Paula Wessley
Paula Wessley

Paula Wessley was born in Vienna in 1907.   “Maskarade” in 1934 was her first major film.  Her most famous role was in “Homecoming” in 1941.   She died in 2000.

IMDB entry:

Wessely trained for acting at the Reinhardt Seminar and made her theatrical debut in 1924 with the Vienna Deutsches Volkstheater in a play by Sudermann. Specialising in sophisticated comedy, she became a prominent actress of the stage, appearing in Prague (1926), Salzburg, Berlin and the Vienna Burgtheater. She was permanently contracted from 1929 to 1945 by the Theater in der Josefstadt. From the 1930’s, she developed into a more serious actress, handling roles like Gretchen in “Faust” (1935) and Joan of Arc in “Die heilige Johanna” (1936), a part which she was associated with for the rest of her career. Wessely was noted for her unaffected, natural manner. She became a screen actress at the height of her theatrical fame.

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